the journal

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Abby and Graham met just before Covid hit. While the relationship was new, the two had a feeling and took the leap, moving in together in March of 2020 to Abby’s parents house in Chatham. As Abby said, “We fell in love on the Cape”. Chatham Bars Inn had always been Abby’s dream wedding destination […]

January 12, 2023

Abby & Graham ~ An Enchanting Cape Cod Wedding at Chatham Bars Inn

Katie and Kevin were introduced by a mutual friend six years ago in the form of a blind date! Not only was it a great match but as the two got to know each other, they were continuously surprised by similarities between their families including multiple relatives on both sides with the same names, same […]

February 3, 2022

Katie and Kevin ~ A Sweet Cape Cod Soirée in Harwich Port, MA

Alexis and Mike were married on the perfect beach day in Cape Cod at the Chatham Bars Inn. Our bride and groom met over six years ago through mutual friends and hit it off right away. For their wedding day, they wanted to share one of their favorite places with family and friends. A dream […]

August 6, 2021

Alexis and Mike – A Classic Cape Cod Wedding at Chatham Bars Inn

Bridget and Marty were married in North Falmouth, MA at an intimate wedding with family and friends. Growing up in the same hometown and attending the same high school you would think we could tell a tale of high school sweethearts! But in fact, it wasn’t until years after they graduated that these two ending […]

June 4, 2021

Bridget and Marty ~ A Breezy Cape Wedding in North Falmouth, MA

Caitlin and Clark were married at the Chatham Bars Inn and celebrated beachside with family and friends. The couple chose Chatham Bars Inn for its serene, peaceful location and picturesque scenery. Also, having spent many a happy, relaxed day on the Cape in the past, it was the perfect location to share with family and […]

September 23, 2016

The Quintessential Cape Wedding at Chatham Bars Inn